2014-2018年 厦门大学 本科 海洋科学、经济学(双学位)
2018年-至今 上海交通大学 硕博连读 环境科学与工程
[1] Hong, Q.#; Xu, H.#*; Sun, X., Li, J.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.*; Zhang, L.; Yan, N*. In-situ Low-temperature Sulfur CVD on Metal Sulfides with SO2 to Realize Self-sustained Adsorption of Mercury. Nat. commun. 2024, 15, 3362
[2] Hong, Q.; Liao, Y.; Xu, H.*; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Stepwise Ions Incorporation Method for Continuously Activating PbS to Recover Mercury from Hg0-Rich Flue Gas, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54(18), 11594-11601.
[3] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Li, J.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Regulation of the Sulfur Environment in Clusters to Construct a Mn−Sn2S6 Framework for Mercury Bonding, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56(4), 2689–2698.
[4] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Pang, X.; Liu, W.; Liu, Z.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Reverse Conversion Treatment of Gaseous Sulfur Trioxide using Metastable Sulfides from Sulfur-rich Flue Gas, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56(15), 10935–10944.
[5] Hong, Q.#; Cai, X.#; Li, J.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N.; Xu, H.*, Sulfur Dioxide Promoted Mercury Fast Deposition over Selenite-Chloride Induced-Surface from Wet Flue Gas, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, accepted.
[6] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Yuan, Y.; Shen, Y.; Wang, Y.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Gaseous mercury capture using supported CuSx on layered double hydroxides from SO2-rich flue gas, Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 400, 125963.
[7] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Li, J.; Huang, W.; Liu, P.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Shell-Thickness-Induced Spontaneous Inward Migration of Mercury in Porous ZnO@CuS for Gaseous Mercury Immobilization, Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 127592
[8] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Liao, Y.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Insight into the interfacial stability and reaction mechanism between gaseous mercury and chalcogen-based sorbents in SO2-containing flue gas, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2020, 577, 503-511.
[9] Hong, Q.; Xu, H.*; Li, J.; Tong, L.; Tang, Z.; Xu, Y.;Huang, W.; Qu, Z.; Yan, N., Adsorption of Gaseous Mercury for Engineering Optimization: From Macrodynamics to Adsorption Kinetics and Thermodynamics, ACS EST Engg. 2021,1(5), 865–873.
[10] Xu, H.; Hong, Q.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Cai, X.; Fan, Y.; Liu, Z.; Huang, W.; Yan, N.; Qu, Z.*; Zhang, L.*, SO2-Driven In Situ Formation of Superstable Hg3Se2Cl2 for Effective Flue Gas Mercury Removal. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c09640.
[11] Xu, H.; Hong, Q.; Li, J.; Liao, Y.; Huang, W.; Qu, Z.*; Yan, N., Heterogeneous Reaction Mechanisms and Functional Materials for Elemental Mercury Removal from Industrial Flue Gas. ACS EST Engg. 2021, 1(10), 1383–1400.
第十二届全国环境化学大会 口头报告
第23届亚洲校园CSS国际学术报告会 口头报告
第15届全国环境博士生学术会议 口头报告
第六届上海市研究生环境论坛 口头报告
2022年 国家奖学金
2022年 上海同济高廷耀环保基金会“青年博士生杰出人才奖学金"
2020年 上海交通大学“”乐陶“”奖学金
2023年 上海交通大学 “赵朱木兰” 博士生奖学金
2023年 校三好学生